Chip Bot Commands

Chip Bot Basic Commands :

ch!play [URL or search terms] : Play a track from YouTube, Spotify, Soundcloud etc.
ch!stop : Stops the current playing music.

ch!pause : Pause the current playing track.
ch!resume : Resume the current track 
ch!skip : Skip to the next track in the queue
ch!search [Search terms] : Searches for a track on YouTube.
ch!queue : Display the current queue
ch!clear : Remove every track from the queue
ch!shuffle : Shuffle the entire queue
ch!nowplaying : Displays the current playing track
ch!lyrics [Track name] : Shows the lyrics of a track.
ch!volume [Volume number] : Changes the playback volume (Must be between 1 and 200!)
ch!bassboost [off, low, medium, high] : Changes the bassboost settings on the player
ch!24/7 : Force Chip to stay in a voice channel forever
ch!help : Chip's build-in help command. 

Chip Bot Other Commands :

ch!forward [Time format] : Foward a specific amount of time into the track (Does not work for livestreams!).
ch!remove [Queue number] : Remove a certain track from the queue
ch!removedupes : Removes all duplicated tracks from the queue
ch!rewind [Time format] : Resume the current track (Does not work for livestreams!)
ch!seek [Time format] : Seek to a specific time in the current track (Does not work for livestreams!)

Miscellaneous Commands :

ch!ping : Displays Chip's response time to Discord
ch!prefix [new prefix] : Change Chips's prefix for your server
ch!help : Chip's build-in help command. Display default information about the bot plus a link to this documentation
ch!status : Displays Chip's default statistics like uptime.