Fun Commands :

?dog : Find some cute dog pictures.
?pug : Find some cute pug pictures.
?cat : Find some cute cat pictures.
?pokemon [name] : Get info on pokemon.
?rps [choice] : Rock Paper Scissors with the bot.
?country [country code] : Check the stats of a country.
?flip : Flip a coin.
?space : Get info about the space station.
?dadjoke : Get a random Dad joke.
?norris : Get a random Chuck Norris fact.
Misc :
?emotes : Gets a list of server emojis.
?membercount : Get the server member count.
?whois [user mention] : Get user information.
?randomcolor : Generates a random hex color with preview.
?avatar [user] : Get a users' avatar.
?dynoav : Generates a Dyno-like avatar.
?remindme [time] [reminder] : Set a reminder
?afk : Set an AFK status to display when you are mentioned
?afk set [status] : Set an AFK status shown when you're mentioned, and display in nickname.
?afk ignore [channel] : Use in a channel to not return from AFK when talking in that channel.
?distance [coords] [coords] : Get the distance between two sets of coordinates
?discrim 1234 : Gets a list of users with a discriminator
?serverinfo : Get server info/stats.
?covid country [country] : Get stats for a country.
?covid state [state] : Get stats for a US state.
?covid top : List top countries by cases.
?stop : Stop the current song.
?skip : Skip the current song.
?volume [1-100] : Get or Change the music volume.
?queue list : List the songs in queue
?queue remove [number] : Remove a song from the music queue.
?queue clear : Clears the entire music queue (Irreversable).
?queue repeat : Enable/disable repeating the music queue.
?queue shuffle : Shuffle the music queue.
?queue save [name] : Save a queue by name to load later
?queue load [name] : Load a saved queue, replacing the current queue.
?queue delete [name] : Delete a saved queue.
?queue saved : List saved queues.
?nowplaying : Show the currently playing song.
?seek [time] : Seek to a position in the song.
?addrank [name] (hex color) (hoist) : Add a new rank for members to join, works with existing or new roles.
?rank [rank name] : Join/leave a rank
?ranks : Get a list of joinable ranks.
?delrank [rank name] : Delete an existing rank, does not delete the role.
?roles (optional search) : Get a list of server roles and member counts.
?roleinfo : Get information about a role.
?addrole [name] [hex color] [hoist] : Add a new role, with optional color and hoist.
?announce [channel] [message] : Send an announcement using the bot.
?announce everyone [channel] [message] : Send an announcement with @everyone.
?announce here [channel] [message] : Send an announcement with @here.
?announce role [role] [channel] [message] : Send an announcement with a role mention.
?ignorerole [role] : Toggles command usage for a role. (Does not affect mods and managers)
?delrole [role] : Delete a role
?delmod [user or role] : Remove a moderator or mod role.
?modules : List available modules
?ignorechannel [channel] : Toggles command usage for a channel. (Does not affect mods and managers)
?prefix (prefix) : Get or set the command prefix for this server.
?mentionable [role name]: Toggle making a role mentionable on/off
?rolecolor [role] [hex color]: Change the color of a role.
?setnick [user] [new nickname] : Change the nickname of a user.
?nick [new nickname]: Change the bot nickname.
?role [user] [role name]: Add/remove a user to a role or roles.
?role add [user] [role]: Add a user to a role or roles.
?role remove [user] [role] : Remove a user from a role or roles.
?role toggle [user] [role] : Toggle a user from a role or roles.
?role removall [user] : Remove all roles from a user
?role all [role]: Add/remove all users to or from a role. (Limit 1 role)
?role bots [role] : Add/remove all bots to or from a role.
?role humans [role] : Add/remove all humans to or from a role.
?role in [in role], [role] : Add/remove users to or from a role that are in a role. (Limit 1 role)
?module [module name] : Enable/disable a module.
?rolename [role], [new name] : Change the name of a role.
?customs : List, enable, disable custom commands.
?customs customs list : List custom commands
?customs customs show [command] : Show a custom command
?customs customs enable [command] : Enable a custom command
?customs customs disable [command] : Disable a custom command
?clearwarn [user] : Clear warnings for a user.
?ignoreuser [user] [reason] : Toggles command usage for a user.
?listmods : List moderators
?purge : Delete a number of messages from a channel. (limit 1000)
?purge [count] [user or id] : Delete messages for a user in the channel.
?purge match [text] [count] : Delete messages containing text. (Limit 100)
?purge not [text] [count] : Delete messages not containing text. (Limit 100)
?purge startswith [text] [count] : Delete messages that start with text. (Limit 100)
?purge endswith [text] [count] : Delete messages that ends with text. (Limit 100)
?purge links [count] : Delete a number links posted in the channel. (Limit 100)
?purge invites [count] : Delete server invites posted in the channel. (Limit 100)
?purge images [count] : Delete a number of images in the channel. (Limit 100)
?purge mentions [count] : Delete messages with mentions in the channel. (Limit 100)
?purge embeds [count] : Delete messages containing rich embeds in the channel.
?purge bots [count] : Delete messages sent by bots.
?purge text [count] : Delete messages containing text, ignoring images/embeds.
?command [command name] : Enable/disable a command.
Moderator Commands :
?diagnose [command or module] : Diagnose any command or module in the bot to determine if there are any problems.
?kick [user] [reason] : Kick a member
?ignored : List channels and users where commands are ignored.
?ban [user] [limit] [reason] : Ban a member, optional time limit
?ban save [user] (limit) (reason) : Ban a user and save their messages in chat.
?ban match [match text] : Ban members who sent messages matching the text. (Must be enabled in dashboard)
?mute [user] [limit] [reason] : Mute a member so they cannot type or speak, time limit in minutes.
?moderations : Get a list of active moderations (timed) and remaining time.
?undeafen [user] : Undeafen a member
?members [role] : List members in a role(s) (max 90)
?rolepersist [user] [role], [optional reason] : Assign/unassign a role that persists if the user leaves and rejoins.
?rolepersist [user] role, (reason) : Adds a rolepersist to an user
?rolepersist remove [user] role, (reason) : Removes a rolepersist from an user
?unmute [user] (optional reason) : Unmute a member
?softban [user] [reason] : Softban a member (ban and immediate unban to delete user messages)
?warn [user] [reason] : Warn a member
?deafen [user] : Deafen a member
?lock [channel] (time) (message) : Lock a channel with optional timer and message.
?reason [case num] [reason] : Supply a reason for a mod log case
?modlogs [user] : Get a list of mod logs for a user
?unlock [channel] (message) : Unlock a previously locked channel.
?unban [user or id] [optional reason] : Unban a member
?warnings [user] : Get warnings for a user
?case [Case ID] : Show a single mod log case
?notes [user] : Get notes for a user
?delnote [user] [note ID] : Delete a note about a member
?note [user] [text] : Add note(s) about a member
?temprole [user] [time] [role], [optional reason] : Assign/unassign a role that persists for a limited time.
?temprole remove [user] role, (reason) : Removes a temprole from an user
?clearnotes [user] : Delete all notes for a member
?delwarn [warning ID] : Delete a single warning for a member
?tag [tag name] : Get or create a tag
?tag create [tag name] [content] : Create a new tag.?tag edit [tag name] [content] : Edit an existing tag.
?tag delete [tag name] : Delete an existing tag.
?tags (optional search) : Get a list of tags, use the tag command to fetch a tag.
?uptime : Get bot uptime
?premium : Dyno premium information. (Responds in DM)