Groovy Bot Commands

-play : [link or search query] ...
-pause : Pauses playback
-resume : Resumes playback.
-queue : Displays the queue. ...
-next : Skips to the next song. ...
-back : Skips to the previous song. ...
-clear : Removes all tracks from the queue. ...
-jump [track position or title] : Skips to the specified track ...
-loop : Cycles between the different loop settings. ...
-lyrics : Displays lyrics for the playing track.
-lyrics [query] : Searches for your query and displays the returned lyrics.
-remove [track position or title] : Removes the specified track from the queue.
-remove range [start], [end] : Removes all the tracks from the specified start to the specified end. Inclusive.
-reset : Resets all player settings and clears the queue.
-shuffle : Randomizes the tracks in the queue.
-song [song] : Displays info about the specified track in the queue.
-song : Displays info about the playing track.
-reset effects : Resets all audio effects.
-fast forward [amount] : Fast forwards the player by your specified amount. The default amount is 10 seconds
-rewind [amount] : Rewinds the player by your specified amount. The default amount is 10 seconds.
-search [query] : Searches for your query on YouTube and lets you choose which songs to queue. To queue a track of the results, just type it's number.
-seek [position] : Sets the playing track's position to the specified position
-stop : Stops the current playing track.
-move [track], [new position] : Moves the specified song to the specified position.
-prefix : Displays the bot's prefix in the server.
-prefix [new prefix] : Changes your server's prefix. After setting a new prefix, the bot will only respond to the new prefix.
-announce : Toggles the announcing of "Now playing" messages
-perms [role/user] : Displays the currently set permissions of the specified role or user.
-perms [deny/allow/clear] [role or user], [permission] : Modifies the permissions of a role or user. You can use "all" to select all permissions.

Groovy Premium Commands :

-24/7 : Toggles 24/7 mode.
-bass boost [amount] : Sets the player's bass boost setting. If you input "reset", it will set the volume back to default.
-volume [new volume] : Sets the player's volume. If you input "reset", it will set the volume back to default.
-speed [new speed] : Sets the player's playback speed. If you input "reset", it will set the volume back to default.
-pitch [new pitch] : Sets the player's pitch. If you input "reset", it will set the pitch back to default.
-nightcore : Toggles nightcore mode.
-vaporwave : Toggles vaporwave mode.
-reset effects : Resets all audio effects.
-saved queue load [name] : Loads the specified saved queue into the queue.
-saved queue create [name] : Saves the queue under the specified name.
-saved queue delete [name] : Deletes the specified saved queue.
-saved queue share [name] : Creates a link that anyone can use to queue your saved queue.