#Use Prefix " ! " To Run Commands :
play : Plays a song with the given name or url.
disconnect : Disconnect the bot from the voice channel it is in.
np : Shows what song the bot is currently playing.
aliases : List command aliases.
ping : Checks the bot's response time to Discord.
skip : Skips the currently playing song.
seek : Seeks to a certain point in the current track.
soundcloud : Searches soundcloud for a song
remove : Removes a certain entry from the queue.
loopqueue : Loops the whole queue.
search : Searches YouTube for results of a URL.
stats : Shows the stats of the bot.
loop : Loop the currently playing song.
donate : Info about donating to support Rythm!
shard : Checks the shard you are on.
join : Summons the bot to your voice channel.
lyrics : Gets the lyrics of the current playing song
info : Info about Rythm!
resume : Resume paused music.
settings : Change Rythm's settings.
move : Moves a certain song to the first position in the queue or to a chosen position
forward : Forwards by a certain amount in the current track.
skipto : Skips to a certain position in the queue.
clear : Clears the queue.
replay : Reset the progress of the current song
clean : Deletes the bot's messages and commands.
pause : Pauses the currently playing track.
removedupes : Removes duplicate songs from the queue.
volume : Check or change the current volume.
rewind : Rewinds by a certain amount in the current track.
playtop : Like the play command, but queues from the top.
playskip : Adds a song to the top of the queue then skips to it.
invite : Links!
shuffle : Shuffles the queue.
queue : View the queue. To view different pages, type the command with the specified page number after it (queue 2).
leavecleanup : Removes absent user's songs from the Queue.

disconnect : Disconnect the bot from the voice channel it is in.
np : Shows what song the bot is currently playing.
aliases : List command aliases.
ping : Checks the bot's response time to Discord.
skip : Skips the currently playing song.
seek : Seeks to a certain point in the current track.
soundcloud : Searches soundcloud for a song
remove : Removes a certain entry from the queue.
loopqueue : Loops the whole queue.
search : Searches YouTube for results of a URL.
stats : Shows the stats of the bot.
loop : Loop the currently playing song.
donate : Info about donating to support Rythm!
shard : Checks the shard you are on.
join : Summons the bot to your voice channel.
lyrics : Gets the lyrics of the current playing song
info : Info about Rythm!
resume : Resume paused music.
settings : Change Rythm's settings.
move : Moves a certain song to the first position in the queue or to a chosen position
forward : Forwards by a certain amount in the current track.
skipto : Skips to a certain position in the queue.
clear : Clears the queue.
replay : Reset the progress of the current song
clean : Deletes the bot's messages and commands.
pause : Pauses the currently playing track.
removedupes : Removes duplicate songs from the queue.
volume : Check or change the current volume.
rewind : Rewinds by a certain amount in the current track.
playtop : Like the play command, but queues from the top.
playskip : Adds a song to the top of the queue then skips to it.
invite : Links!
shuffle : Shuffles the queue.
queue : View the queue. To view different pages, type the command with the specified page number after it (queue 2).
leavecleanup : Removes absent user's songs from the Queue.