Yggdrasil Bot Commands

General Commands

--about - bot info
--avatar [user] - show user's avatar
--credits - bot credits
--donate - donate to support the bot
--game [game name] - game info
--invite - add ygg to your server
--ping - checks the bot's latency
--serverinfo - shows server info
--userinfo [user] - shows user info

Fun Commands

--choose <item> <item> ... - make a decision
--deathbattle @user1 @user2 - Death Battle!
--8ball <question> - ask the magic 8ball!
--fidgetspinner [type] - spins a fidget spinner
--fiction <name> - infinite fictional database
--friendscore @user1 @user2 - friend compatibility score
--fortune - shows your fortune
--garage [car] - Look at what cars you have in your garage.
--joke - random joke
--meme - random meme
--pokefusion - shows a random pokefusion
--quote <messageId> OR <@user> <quote> - grabs or creates a quote
--race - race car!
--rip <user> - makes a tombstone
--roll <dice> - rolls dice
--ship [first] [second] - matchmaking!
--spoilers <text> - hides spoiler text
--useless - link to a useless web site

Phones Commands

--speakerphone - chat with random users all over Discord!
--eyephone - :eyes:
--flipphone - flips your conversation!
--scramblephone - chat with random users, but scrambled!
--userphone - chat with users and see who you're chatting with!
--fuwwyphone - chat wif other fuwwies!

Animals Commands

--bird - random bird
--cat - random cat
--dog - random dog
--fox - random fox
--panda - random panda
--snake - random snake

Soundboard Commands

--tts <text> - text to speech